

Solar panels generate DC power when there is daylight which you can use directly instead of buying it from your energy supplier. The difficulty is that it is almost impossible to match your electrical needs to that of the solar power available.  Battery systems help manage the difference in energy provided by the solar system and the needs of your property.  They can stor excess generation and then make the energy available when needed, for example at night. 

Once you have battery storage this can also be used to "download" cheaper off peak electricity and then use it durig peak times reducing the cost of your overall bill, this is most effective in the winter.

Battery systems can be retro fitted to existing solar PV systems so not effecting any feed in rates previously agreed or seamlessly incorporated into a new PV installation.

We mainly install Solax triple power and GivEnergy batteries, which come in a range of sizes and capacities the most common being about 5KWh.

Solax battery install

GivEnergy battery install